Blog Category:
Digital Marketing

6 Tips on Effective Facebook Ad Campaigns (with Examples) blog banner visualfizz
6 Tips on Effective Facebook Ad Campaigns (with Examples)
Facebook ads are profitable! With a user base of 2.8 billion monthly active users, the...
The Ultimate Guide to Branding a City, Smart City, or Municipality
People and products are brands. However, this concept strongly applies to cities as well. Since the...
SEO Basics You Can Implement Right Now for Marketing Growth
Ever tried to explain SEO to non-industry friends at a party? It’s difficult! SEO can...
Guest Interview: Rogelio Gazga on Running A Future Proof Video Agency
Introducing SPI-tv Video Media Group: A Journey of Entrepreneurial Inspiration At VisualFizz, we believe that...
VisualFizz voted Top Rated Digital Marketing Agency in Chicago
(More) Digital Marketing Reviews from VisualFizz Clients
VisualFizz’s Agency Beginnings: A Summary In October of 2016, Dan Salganik and Marissa Ryan met...
What is Considered Search Engine Marketing (SEM)? blog title visualfizz digital marketing agency
How Is SEM Different from Other Types of Marketing?
No matter what industry you’re in, effective marketing is paramount to success these days. Search...
tips for choosing a digital marketing agency for manufacturing
How to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency for Manufacturing or Industrial Brands
Historically, manufacturing and other industrial companies have relied predominantly on word-of-mouth referrals for new projects....
tips for creating the best digital marketing strategy visualfizz chicago
Tips for Creating the Perfect Digital Marketing Case Study
When it comes to sitting down and writing a quality piece of organic content like...
5 Essential PPC KPIs for eCommerce Brands to Track visualfizz agency
5 Essential PPC KPIs for eCommerce Brands to Track
Pay-per-click (PPC) ads — those small advertisements that appear at the top of Google and...
non tech soft skills for digital marketing careers visualfizz
Soft Skills to Help You Succeed in Digital Marketing
Did you know we spend about two hours and 23 minutes on the internet every...
digital marketing tips for construction, industrial, real estate, and building
VisualFizz’s Best Marketing Advice for Industrial and Construction Brands
Marketing Tips for Brands that Build It’s 2020, and while we may not have the...
googles BERT updates what you should know for seo
How to Optimize for Google’s BERT Algorithm Update
Who isn’t a fan of the Muppets? In this scene, Ernie presents a scenario to...
